About Todo Sobre Camisetas

Todo Sobre Camisetas (which means “All About Jerseys” in Spanish) was born in 2008, in Uruguay as a humble personal blog. There is a lot to come in future months, but this is what you need to know about us right now:

The objective of the site is to bring soccer fans all news related to jerseys and other soccer gear. We have eventually grown to become a respected source for international press including Marca, As, Globo Esporte, Récord, NBC, etc. We pride ourselves in sharing only real news, and avoiding click-bait for the sake of views. Our track record shows that when we bring you a leak, it has a 99% chance to be true – our reputation is everything!

The blog aims to cover as many new releases as possible, and we have covered over 3,000 kit releases ever since we started. Due to time constrains, we do not get to cover everything, but we certainly try. We have also expanded to include a bit of content related to soccer fashion and other related gear such as cleats, matchn balls, etc.

We are an independent site, and we do not receive funding from any brand, helping us stay unbiased in our work. The income generated by affiliate programs on our recommended stores and sponsorships help us mantain the costs of website maintenance, design, hosting and a small share in rewarding our writers with jerseys to add to their collection. We do not compromise the integrity of our content for money, and our sponsor are carefully selected to ensure they provide our readers with value and good service.

Over the last six years, this website has surpassed everything we wanted it to be when we began, now reaching half a millon users per month and over 100.000 fans on Social Media. Make sure to join our communities on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Thank you for visiting Todo Sobre Camisetas,
